How To Re-Colour Paper Flowers to Make them Glossy & Gorgeous
Just a quick little clip today, I thought I'd share how I change the colour of paper flowers that aren't quite right for the project I want to use them on. This technique is wonderful, as not only is the colour coverage excellent but it also makes the flower more durable - so it's great for projects that may get a bit of wear!
Now there isn't a whole lot to this technique so I won't fuss about creating photo steps (the clip shows it all), I'll just include the basic recipe so you can do this yourself.
- Mix 2 drops of water with 2 small amounts of Lindy's Stamp Gang Magical Powder (this is a sparkly watercolour powder) - stir until all the little granules have dissolved.
- Add an equal amount of Glossy Accents to the Magical mixture and stir slowly with the end of a paintbrush or a toothpick.
- Apply glossy mixture to flower petals, top and bottom and leave to dry!
I love that this works over commercially coloured flowers or ones you have previously coloured yourself! Because one of the components is a glue, it goes over almost anything. The only thing you may need to consider is that the darker the colour the original flower, the darker the colour of Magicals you should paint with, if you try to paint a pastel colour over a bright colour - the results may be a bit unexciting.
• Rangers' Glossy Accents
• Magical (Watercolor Powder): Cheshire Cat Cherry
• Rose from I Am Roses