My Blogoversary is Today!
Today my blog turns 6 whoops turns out this TypePad blog is only 4 this year! Back in January 2008 I deleted my web site and switched to a Blogger blog, needing a few more features in 2010 I swapped to a TypePad Blog and I'm so glad I did. I have 'met' some truly beautiful people, have been able to work with amazing companies and have connected with new friends (and old) all across the globe.
As of today my blog looked like this:
I won't go right to the bottom as I'm sure you get the idea. There was noting wrong with it, it was cute, grungy, completely what I wanted 6 years ago, it had categories so you could see things grouped together, pictures of my art and links to online groups and stuff I liked - sadly this just didn't reflect me or my art anymore!
I needed something brighter, fresher, friendlier, easy to navigate and with a style and format that reflects ME and what you can find here on Sparkle Tart. In short my blog needed more SPARKLE!
So over the next 48 hours I'll be phasing in my new look, bit by bit, piece by piece the new look Sparkle tart will come into effect. Now it's not completely finished just yet, but as with all good things it will constantly evolve as I do.
I truly LOVE my new look, and I hope you do too. If you find anything that doesn't work or if you have any feedback or suggestions please send them through as always I welcome your thoughts!