Jane Girls Stencils: Petite Series Blog Hop & Giveaway
OK those of you who have been following for a while will already know about my complete love and adoration, with a mightly dose of respect and gratitude for what she does - aimed squarely at Jane Davenport. If I hadn't met Jane at the Brisbane Scrapbooking and Papercraft Expo a few years ago I probably wouldn't have started drawing, she literally changed the course of my life! Since then I've enrolled in pretty much every online course she has taught and learned so much - still a ways to go but I'm thoroughly enjoying the journey.
So you can imagine how absolutely thrilled and humbled I was when Jane asked me to participate in this amazing blog hop to launch her new range of stencils, the Jane Girls: Petite Series.
The stencils are available here:
Northern Hemisphere: http://www.artistcellar.com/stampstencil/acSignatureSeries.html
Southern Hemisphere: http://www.instituteofcute.com/stencil-series/
Now I find stencils to be an essential crafting tool ( I um own a few cough, cough), and these are no exception - with these versatile petite girls, Jane has created something which you can use to either create a stenciled face or use as a starting point to create your own drawn face - as you would have seen in yesterdays post these are an amazing confidence builder and anyone can grab these and use them as a jumping off point to create their own art. If you have been following the hop you will have seen examples of the stencils used to add a 'stenciled face' and to create' a drawn face' (I know you'll agree the art has been AMAZING!) and which ever way you choose to use them they will allow you to create beautiful images. Your own imagination is all that is needed to turn these into YOUR art - the sky is the limit for what you can do with these!
So what have I done with the Jane Girls Petite Series....
This first one is my 'Jane style face' - the whole mermaid shimmers against the matt black background, with transparent jellyfish and specks of luminescence floating in the water around her... created with Neocolor II, acrylic paint and pencil. I was determined to be 'fearless' here and just picked up colours and products as the whim took me - had heaps of fun doing this!
You can see the face shape and features have remained similar to the original.
The whole piece is heavily textured, which was incredibly interesting to work on.
You can see the glitter along her eyes in this close up.
The hair is also luminous thanks to the help of Silks.
Mind you it almost didn't get finished - thanks to a little fur ball who was having a 'mummy' day, have you tried to create with a cat wrapped around an arm!
This next one is a 'Kate style face' - loads of layers in Copic marker, pencil and stamping to finish. In person the hair isn't black it's a complex layer of colour with different colours and patterns coming to the forefront as you view from different angles, there's stamping, bleaching, visual texture and gold shimmering lines of text against the matt background.
I flipped the side face stencil over to create this one - I love that you can do that!
The hair has been stamped for added texture and when it catches the light the gold ink shines.
and when tilted the other way you can see the rest of the stamped texture
I've lift the colouring on the face light on purpose so that the background pattern shows through.
This one has a sense of calm about it - so I left the embellishments simple and have just written
'Close your eyes and be swept away...'
I hope you've enjoyed seeing yet another take on how to use these fabulous stencils - thank you so much Jane, I've had a ball playing with these and seeing what all of the other artists on the hop have done with these - proves exactly how versatile these really are!
Now Jane and The Artist Cellar have generously provided me with one set of stencils to give away, to be in the running to win one of these for your very own, leave a comment on this post telling me how you see YOURSELF using these beautiful stencils in your own art.
Good luck and I'll draw the winner on the 15th October and announce here on my blog.
If you haven't seen the other amazing artists using these stencils then go and have a look RIGHT NOW this is the hop list and of course, Jane is lucky last and will post tomorrow:
September 28 - Artistcellar (www.artistcellar.com/wp)
September 29 Jill K. Berry (http://jillberrydesign.com/blog)
September 30 Dawn DeVries Sokol (http://www.dblogala.com/)
October 1 - Joanne Sharpe (http://joannezsharpe.blogspot.com/)
October 2 - Connie Hozvicka (http://www.dirtyfootprints-studio.com/)
October 3 - Effy Wild (http://effythewild.com/)
October 4 - Tamara Laporte (www.willowing.org/blog)
October 5 - Dion Dior (http://www.diondior.com/)
October 6 - Courtney Brook (http://ravenscauldron.blogspot.com/)
October 7 - Kate Palmer (http://www.sparkletart.com/)
October 8 - Jane Davenport (http://janedavenport.com/)
May your day sparkle, and yes I will be posting about how these were created...