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March 2012
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May 2012

Day 15: Storing Paper Scraps

We all have them - but what to do with them? I'm hopeless with my paper scraps - they begin life as a pile on my desk (since the single draw I allocated for them is now full), end up in piles on the floor, I give them away, put them on top of shelves, store them in drawers, rarely remember to use them and gain more with every project! So I've been looking for a few good ideas about... Read more →


Day 14: Ideas for Ribbon Storage

Like the rest of my room my ribbons are all over the place. I bought this fabulous drawer storage unit from Cropper Hopper - who then kindly discontinued the cards required to use the unit - before I had purchased enough for all my ribbon of course - yes I've checked ebay in every country I could think of! NOT HAPPY! So I am now faced with a few options Continue with current storage - some in the Cropper Hopper... Read more →


Day 13: Terribly Tempting

Oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear! While looking for storage ideas I ran across these adorable bookend units from Kaisercraft - I now find myself desperately looking for some way to incorporate at least one of these into my space, because I REALLY WANT ONE they are so gosh-darn cute!!! Please help me by providing ideas about what on earth I could store in these little beauties - I'm planning on keeping most of my storage purely practical,... Read more →


Dylusions Love

I couldn't help it - this was as close as I could get to rolling in Dylusions :O) I got mine at Passion 4 Paper - grab your fast before they sell out! Though I heard there is already another shipment ordered as well. Mmmmmmm Dylusions..... And in case you're keeping tabs (like my hubby) these were on my 'Free Pass' list - plus I spent my store credit to get them :O) Read more →


Day 12: Storing Paper & Card

One of the things I identified as a nuisance was my paper/card storage. Basically it's too far away to easily access, there is no organisation or system - the colours are all over the place, the folders are crammed with so much I can barely lift them and this also means that the pages are half hanging out of the folders. Because they are heavy and jammed in together I am less likely to go to the effort of putting... Read more →


Day 11: Ten Tips for Lazy Crafters

Today I'm going to provide some tips for lazy crafters - based on observations of myself (a self-confessed lazy crafter) which I hope may be helpful for others. Tracy from Get Organised Blog mentions the following in Disorganised or Lazy? The site isn't about crafting or art organisation, but I felt that this, in particular might resonate with others, as it did for me..... “Clutter accumulates where energy stagnates & energy stagnates where clutter accumulates” Karon Kingston No wonder then... Read more →


Day 10: Are you a Lazy Arty/Crafty Type?

Today I'm going to help you figure out if you are a lazy arty/crafty personality type - based on observations of myself (a self confessed lazy crafter). Now while not as scientific as the Myers Briggs personality test, it is based on careful observation - but seriously it's just for fun. Simply answer the following questions - each time you answer 'no' it's worth 1 point (a Yes is worth 0), if you score more than 5 out of 10... Read more →


Day 9: The Copic Tower of Terror must go!

This is the 'Tower of Terror' - identified as a potential danger in my craft room - for me this first thing that has to go! I have 8 Copic Block stands organised on a lazy susan base (I love these but just don't have the room to keep them), on top are 4 containers holding my most used paint brushes, specialty pens, most used ink pads, double sided tape, foam tape, small camera, colour charts (on large rings), roller... Read more →


Day 8: Confession

Hrrumph - my hubby feels that this purchase warrants a confession, since it wasn't on my pre-approved and named purchases! I ran out of my favourite card last week (ok I have 5 sheets left, but I go through it so fast that is basically running out), so when we went out yesterday, I dropped into OfficeWorks and bought some 'Yes' card 190gsm. I love it for my Lindy's Stamp Gang Backgrounds - it's nice and cheap too, at around... Read more →


Day 7: The Craft Hutch

I have decided I NEED a hutch for my desk, or at least storage with the look and functionality of a hutch! Wikipedia defines the hutch as Hutch (furniture) Now usually used to describe a set of shelves or cabinets placed on top of a lower unit with a counter and either drawers or cabinets. Hutches are often seen in the form of desks, dining room or kitchen furniture. Frequently referred to by furniture aficionados as a hutch dresser. Typically... Read more →


Day 6: Best use of space

Today I'm looking at where to put things so they are of most use, easy to access and put in an order of necessity - eg: things I use most often are closest, things I use least in those pokey hard to reach places. To do this I needed to make a mental list (or paper if you prefer) of your space and it's most convenient and least convenient areas, plus the stuff you actually need to reach for multiple... Read more →


Day 5: Tempting Craft Storage Ideas

Gee whiz there are a lot of HUGE craft rooms online to look at - I can only dream. The storage ideas in some of them are phenomenal, but I don't know yet how to incorporate some of these into my little room. The following are ideas I'm currently finding tempting, but am not sure if they will be of any use to me... The newly released (April 2012) Revolving Storage Spinner 18" high and 12" diameter - if I... Read more →


Day 4: What's bugging me most!

So I've had a look at where I have things at the moment and the next step is to identify stuff that's really annoying me, what do I groan over every time I need to get to it, what do I really hate and importantly - is there anything that could be dangerous in my craft space? This will give me somewhere to start and I hope begin the purging and re-organising process - this will help me stick to... Read more →


Day 3: Where is everything?

Next step - where is everything currently stored, I need to have a good look at my space and I have to be honest here - what's working for me and what isn't. This will be long and for those of you following you might not want/need to do this - feel free to skip. I found that this helped me really look at where everything is and if it would be better somewhere else (this comes into play in... Read more →


Hinge Tape

Oh dear - it's only day 2 and I found something I MUST HAVE - have you seen the Stampo's Steampunk Hinge Tape tape available from VivaLasVegaStamps Online - no - then look below. My brain just boggles at all the things I could use this on! Rusty Hinge Tape Variety of available tapes Resist Kate - resist! Read more →
