Day 5: Tempting Craft Storage Ideas
Gee whiz there are a lot of HUGE craft rooms online to look at - I can only dream. The storage ideas in some of them are phenomenal, but I don't know yet how to incorporate some of these into my little room. The following are ideas I'm currently finding tempting, but am not sure if they will be of any use to me...
The newly released (April 2012) Revolving Storage Spinner 18" high and 12" diameter - if I had a bigger desk this would be mine! Thanks to Tamara for pointing this out to me :O)
I was checking out the blog sites of the lovely people joining me on this 30 day cleanse and I was reading Cathy's 'Where's my vagabond' post - when what do I spy in the background!!!!! Cathy - I hope you don't mind me linking this image... my eye was caught by the way Cathy has her dies stored - so neat and tidy - I think I can do something like this.
My dies are currently in here, a long narrow draw that is in a very tall stack of draws. To open any of the upper draws I have to either close my laptop lid or move the computer. To open any of the lower draws I have to unplug everything from a power board and move the cables connected to printer, scanner, computer - you get the picture :O) This is NOT a good set up, sure some things in the draws I don't need access to very often, other things like my dies I have out quite a lot.
Kerry Fellowes sent me a wonderful email and a few pics of her newly organised craft room (apparently all those drool worthy craft room photos on Day 1, inspired Kerry with help from her Mum, to take over the office and make it her new craft room), see the storage unit on the right behind the Big Shot - I really like that!!! Plus Kerry - the room looks so neat, can I come and play? Oh wait it wouldn't look that neat after I'd visited!
I also thought Kerry's idea of labelling and storing your Distress Pads upside down was a great idea!
The lovely and fabulously helpful Judy Jackson (from All Things Tim and Technique Junkies) suggested unmounting my mounted stamps and putting them on Ez mount, to help with the mountain of storage wood mounted stamps require - I'm going to do this to some of my collection - other wood mounts are just too pretty to get rid of lol. Thanks Judy O)
A little more surfing and I spotted this on Okienurse's blog Paper and Ink Therapy - the section in the red box has given me an idea, I'll need to do a little planning to see if I can make it work on a bigger scale...
I'd also like to say a BIG THANKYOU to all of the amazingly lovely people who have taken time out of their day to send me helpful and supportive emails. It seems there are so many people out there in the same boat neding a little push to help them get started cleaning and organising their own craft spaces. Keep them coming ladies I love seeing your own rooms and even more I'm LOVING all the idea people are sending me.