Day 23: Storing Adirondack Paint Dabbers
Paint dabbers - I have almost all of these little beauties produced by Ranger and they are making the drawer which I have them stored in rather heavy and difficult to open. I have them all upside down in an effort to make them easier to use (and for some reason I thought it would help to keep them from drying out). I am also now collecting the Jenni Bowlin colours - so the drawer won't be getting any lighter any time soon. I don't know if I will move these, but there's nothing wrong with having a look. So these are some of the fabulous ideas I've found from around the web, though in all honestly there weren't squillions of ideas out there for these, perhaps you all just have a drawer that looks like this as well....
Kris the Collage Contessa has her dabbers in this fabby little rack - I like this a lot, though again back to the bench space issue.
A somewhat smaller storage option from Cropper Hopper.
This was suggested on the Ranger blog - they do know we would need 10 of these to fit all the Adirondack and Jenni Bowlin colours right :O)
OK so Micki is waaay handier than me with tools, can you believe she built this herself - two thumbs up for Micki from Artful Expressions.
Grace from Create with Ease has suggested Magnets or velcro to hold them onto the bottom of shelving in your craft room - I don't think I will have anything like this to use that idea - but you never know :O)
Anyone out there got any better Dabber storage ideas?