Day 20: Ink Pad Storage
Day 22: Storing Paper Punches

Day 21: Storing Plastic Templates and Stencils

Templates, stencils and masks, 6x6, 12x12, long, skinny, square, round, decorative, plastic, metal, cardboard - there are so many to choose from where do we all begin?  Ideally I'd love 'one unit to hold them all!!!'  (a little Lord of the Rings humour there - yes I'm a nerd), but I'm having trouble finding 'sexy' stencil solutions - or many ideas at all.  So here are some I found, followed by some of my own.

The most common stencil storage solution seems to be THE BOX or THE DRAWER.  It tends to look a bit like this...

I saw this photo holder/album idea over at Silverwolf Cards.

Nadine from Dreamweavers Quilts punches a hole and stores hers on rings - this keeps them all neatly together. Quilters have been using these for ages so there are loads of great ideas on quilting sites for template storage.

Paula from Bats in the Attic goes one step further and hangs the rings in this neat little rack

I'm toying with the idea of storing my 12 x 12 templates in one of the Legacy page in progress folders - I don't use the 12 x 12's as much so they are OK to be less easily accessible.

Legacy purple 12 x 12
I saw this great idea on YouTube from PaperTemptress and it's so nice and neat, only trouble for me is I want to access mine at a moment's notice so an album like this one won't do for my little stencils.

 I think a Cropper Hopper Sticker Stadium (or something like it) may also be a useful alternative

At the moment I'm using a letter organiser, which I rather like (not perfect, but not bad). There are simple ones like this:


or slightly fancier - I like the way this one looks alot!


Mine looks like this I bought it at Howards Storage world and it holds everything except my 12 x 12 stencils: IMG_2009


