Day 17: Storing Stationary
Day 19: There's No Way in just 30 Days!

Day 18: Excavating a Craft Room Pile

Do you make PILES in your craft room - I admit it, I make piles, not just one or 2 but many many piles, and when the piles threaten my life or limb (or the cats) only THEN do I put them away - hanging head in shame :O(  So I decided to excavate one of my craft room piles - not quite what I expect my Archaeology Professor expected I'd be doing with that skill - but hey - adapt!  So while I admit this may seem a bit weird, I actually found this to be a very useful exercise.  Give it a try yourself and see where it takes you. 

As you look through your pile make a list - what is in there?  If you have more than one of something and no current place to put it away - then you have identified a storage 'need' in your craft room.  You may have seen this on YouTube if you are one of my channel followers, but for those who are blog followers here it is:

By looking through a pile I identified 4 basic things I actually NEED to help reduce the amount of stuff in piles - or maybe even eliminate the piles all together:

  1. Storage solution for my Projects in Progress - I'm thinking something labelled so I know what I have a half done background or card put away for.
  2. Storage solution for sprayed or self-decorated background card/paper
  3. A place to store paper scraps - well something more than 1 drawer with everything all crammed in together.
  4. Enough room to put away my new purchases (especially Prima flower packets!)

AND sadly not something I need to get, but something I need to do - PUT IT AWAY after using it.  Hmm I may have mentioned that before....  Perhaps I need something like this as a reminder, maybe hanging in my craft room!


