Art Classes I'm taking in 2012
10 Most Artistically Inspiring People of 2011 - No 2 Mandi-Lee Klinger

10 Most Artistically Inspiring People of 2011 - No 1 Marta Ramirez

Hi All - many people share their favourite projects on their blogs around this time of year - I love looking through everyone's favourite projects, but I've decided to be a little different (I know I know that's just me all over - I can hear my hubby chuckling!).  I'm not going to share favourite work of my own, I'm going to share the people who have made that work possible, those who have inspired me in some way - those who have changed the direction my art & I  have taken.  So stay tuned as you are in for an eclectic and inspirational 10 days, with a new person and their work featured every day - please note I have contacted each of these amazing artists and asked for their permission to re-post their art and feature them on my site - what a bunch of sweeties, they all said yes.

So in no particular order - as they have all had a huge impact on me........  drum roll please.....

10 Most Artistically Inspiring People of 2011

No 1
Marta Ramirez
for Inspirational Living Light


This amazing lady is known as 'Mermaid Marta' in some Artmology circles and with just cause!  Marta Ramirez has the most wonderful mermaid and fairy art which you can see on her blog  - yes you should go and look :O) 

Where do I begin, Marta was one of the first people I 'spoke to' and connected with on my on-line drawing class - I didn't know it at the time but I had 'favourited' many of her drawings on another site we were both on, turns out it was all art from the same person lol!  Marta is friendly, generous with her art and her comments and made me feel I was among friends - very important in my first expedition into 'grown up' art.  Then I saw what she was creating and was blown away - her faces have so much expression and depth, I admire her amazing work and not just her beautiful shading of the central figures.  Marta puts just as much creativity into her backgrounds and details as she does her people.  The way she adds light and uses it to highlight parts of her work, the way she makes it alive, a living breathing entity in her art - are truly breathtaking.  For someone who is truly scared of trying to add light to their art work (me) - this woman is astounding.  As much as I love how she draws her figures, I think it's this use of light that really draws me to her work.  Take a look at the image below and you will see what I mean, this mermaid is my absolute favourite piece of Marta's art (so far) and I think sums up what I love so much about her art.  Marta tells me  'The painting is watercolors, watercolor crayons, inketnse pencils, white acrylics for the stars and metallic acrylics for the moon and 300gsm cold pressed watercolor paper A3 size.'

Shower of Stars (C)
Marta calls this piece "SHOWER OF STARS" and explains it as 
"A Mermaid sent her dreams to the Stars. One day she asked the Moon to catch a Star for her.  The Moon caught the brightest Shooting Star, and transformed it into a shower to send to the Mermaid, for her to find her dreams.".......If only it was so simple! My dreams are also with the Stars....."

So Marta has not only made me feel so welcome in this scary new grown up world of drawing and journaling, but has shown me how much difference adding light to a scene can make.  I'm not going to achieve this overnight, but expect to see a bit more light creeping in to my work this year - well I'm certainly going to give it a go at least. 

Thanks so much Marta, expect me to be along for the ride in 2012 and I can't wait to see what you do next.

To see more of Marta's amazing work head over to her website

Images re-posted with Marta's permission.



